Environmental chemicals

美 [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl ˈkɛmɪkəlz]英 [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl ˈkɛmɪkəlz]
  • 环境化学物(质)
Environmental chemicalsEnvironmental chemicals
  1. Occupational exposures affect peripheral nerves in two possible ways . First , excessive exposure to many industrial or environmental chemicals causes a generalized nerve disorder .


  2. TK6 cells can be used as an in vitro assay system to assess cytogenetic damage and gene mutation at tk locus of environmental chemicals .


  3. Joint Toxicity Effects of Environmental Chemicals and the Evaluation of Present Research Methods


  4. The Harmful Influence of Environmental Chemicals on Human Reproduction


  5. Exposure to industrial or environmental chemicals such as carbon monoxide or carbon disulfide can also have this effect .


  6. The Harmful Influence of Environmental Chemicals on Human Reproduction Study of decreasing harmful chemicals in smog by fluorometry


  7. CYP2E1 levels may be associated with human susceptibility to toxicity and carcinogenicity of industrial and environmental chemicals .


  8. The analysis method of human sperm chromosome complement could be used to monitor the mutagenecity of environmental chemicals in human germ cells ( sperms ) .


  9. It contains digestive enzymes that help you break down food , and they contain myrosinase that boosts detoxification of environmental chemicals .


  10. Objective To establish culture method of ICR mice sertoli cells and to study the effects of the environmental chemicals on the male reproductive system at the cell molecular level .


  11. Acute reference dose ( ARfD ) is a new concept in toxicology and risk assessment , and mainly used for assessing health effect from short time exposure to environmental chemicals .


  12. There is emerging evidence according to the report , that__10__to environmental chemicals during childhood can increase the risk of certain diseases in adults , such as cancer and heart disease .


  13. The Advance of Research on Biological Screening Technology on Environmental Disrupting Chemicals


  14. Boron has been regarded as one of the environmental estrogen chemicals which should be studied with more efforts in America .


  15. The categories and toxicity of phthalate esters that might have the effects of environmental endocrine-disrupting chemicals are introduced .


  16. Research on Chinese current policy of environmental management of chemicals


  17. On the Legal Principle of Environmental Management over Chemicals


  18. Research Progress in the Low-Dose Effects of Environmental Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals


  19. The Study of Disruption Effects of Environmental Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Blood


  20. In practice , however , there are still various problems exist in the environmental administration of chemicals .


  21. Performance of HA-1 Vapor Phase Inhibitor : a Kind of Environmental Accepted Fine Chemicals


  22. Study on DNA damage of spermary cell in mice induced by environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals


  23. Hydroxyl Group Derivatization of Steroid Environmental Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals


  24. First , data should be developed on the environmental effects of chemicals ; primary responsibility for the development of these data is placed on industry .


  25. The application of Gambusia affinis vitellogenin in the detection of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals


  26. Research on the legal principles of environmental management over chemicals is very important for the legislation and legal system 's construction of the comprehensive environmental management over chemicals in China .


  27. Recently , the low-dose effects of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) have become a hot topic within the environmental scientific community .


  28. Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) may disturb the sex hormone level of organisms , thereby affected the sex determination and reproduction process of many teleost fish .


  29. Sewage discharge and emission of exhaust gas might be the main way for transportation carcinogenic chemicals , especially for environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals ( EDCs ) to pollute environment .


  30. Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals does great harm to human being , and the HCH and DDT in soil samples displays the female hormone function , the paper researched that and established a new analytical method .
